A downloadable game
The player follows the journey of Lilybud (Bud), a young aspiring tech-botanist who is sent to a desolate ecological area to uncover a mystery. Equipped with a plant-listening technology that enables her to collect audio-memories from certain flowers in the world and listen to them to, Lilybud must uncover the mystery of the game world.
Key Feature : "Where" has a navigation system unlike many other games; without any traditional navigational aids, such as player position, mini-map or waypoint-markers. Getting Lost in Nature was a core theme of the game.
You navigate the environment using :
Gameplay :
Find plants and collect audio-memories from the flowers.
Play, rewind and search through audio-memories for clues on the location of next plant.
Use the map and landmarks to decipher the clues and reach the location.
Explore/Navigate the atmospheric natural biomes while replenishing the water.
Credits :
Aashika Vijayan : Game and Level Design
Aia Kragh : Game Design and Art Direction
Neil McGuiness : Game Design, Programming and Sound Design
Published | 5 hours ago |
Status | Prototype |
Author | Aashika Vijayan |
Genre | Adventure |
Tags | 3D, Exploration, nature, navigation, Singleplayer |
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